
“Refuge International seeks to glorify God by partnering with local churches to love refugees and immigrants.”

"Adopt-A-Family” is just what it sounds like— church members, usually community groups or Sunday School classes, coming alongside an immigrant family that is new to our community to help them adjust to life in the U.S. Adopt-A-Family involves commitment of five or more hours a week (divided between members of the Adopt-A-Family team) over three months.

Participation in this ministry program may involve:

  • Helping to furnish their residence.

  • Driving family members to doctors' appointments.

  • Helping with preparation for the driver's permit/road test.

  • Helping navigate the bewildering array of choices in the bath soap aisle, the laundry detergent aisle, etc.

  • Explaining how to operate washers and dryers at the laundromat.

  • Explaining how to ride TARC.

  • And much, much more.

Afghan refugees in Iran. Photo credit: EU/ECHO Pierre Prakash (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).

Afghan refugees in Iran. Photo credit: EU/ECHO Pierre Prakash (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).


How does Refuge assist you in this relationship?

  • Cultural/relational orientation in our application process

  • A volunteer guide that provides ideas for relating and abundant links to local community resources (see the button below)

  • An introduction to a refugee family

  • Ongoing assistance from Refuge staff

What is the commitment?

First, you are not expected to meet all of the needs of your refugee friend(s). We encourage you to enlist the help of others in your church. This will lighten your load in Adopt-A-Family while extending the blessing of serving to others.

Second, the Adopt-A-Family commitment is short-term—typically three months. During this period, the hope is that team members can help meet immediate needs and help their refugee partner make strides toward independent living. However, our hope—as always—is that friendships will develop that can continue beyond this initial period of service and that through these friendships the love of Christ may continue to be shown in word and deed.


How can you get started?

Simply click the "Apply Here" button below. This will take you to our Volunteer Application. It takes 10-15 minutes to complete the application form and then we will be in touch with you regarding next steps in a week or two.

If you are a church or community group leader and desire for your group to serve together, please contact us concerning our new expedited application process.